


SME-Part B-Lecture 4

SME-Part B-Lecture 4-ageconbd.com    

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Inside the Entrepreneurial Mind: From Ideas to Reality

The barrier to Creativity:

10 mental lock which limits an individual's creativity:
a. Searching for the one answer
b. Focusing on being logical
c. Blindly following the rules
d. Constantly being practical
e. Viewing play as frivolous: When children play then they make rules according to their choice. If a person becomes childish, creative thinking is created easily for him. Unique thinking is created. Thinking outside the mainstream is possible.
f. Becoming over specialized
g. Avoiding ambiguity: Solving hard things, creativity is built.
h. Fearing looking foolish: People laugh at someone's error. It is an obstacle to creativity.
i. Fearing mistakes and failures
j. Believing that one is not creative

How to enhance creativity in an organization:
a. Embracing diversity: An business organization should be diversified, disciplined, different cultural people-oriented.
b. Expecting creativity: Creating an environment for showing creativity is necessary.
c. Providing support: Arrangement of training for becoming creative. Field-work experience will create creativity.
d. Encouraging curiosity
e. Rewarding creativity

10 secrets that lead creativity
a. Thinking
b. Becoming visionaries: They work according to the pre-defined targets
c. Listening to customers: They run businesses for satisfying customers. They get ideas from customers in this way.
d. Understanding how to manage ideas: They manage ideas from suppliers.
e. Becoming people-centered: They have the intellectual ability and human handling ability.
f. Maintaining a culture of change
g. Maximizing team synergy, balance, and focus: The synergic effect means the sum of two people creates more results than the individual two people create.
h. Holding themselves and others accountable for extremely high standards of performance: They set up high standards.
i. Refusing to take "no" as an answer
j. Loving what they do and fun doing it.

EIC: Enhancing Individual Creativity

a. Allowing oneself to be creative
b. Fresh input every day: Mind will be stimulated for input everyday. Trying to do different things every day. For instance, listening to the radio, walking, etc.
c. Allowing mistakes: One has to have the ability to accept errors mentally.
d. Listen to others
e. Talking to a child: One has to be frivolous. When we know expectations of the society to us, we behave according to expectations. It creates practical and logical ideas. Children think differently which will inspire one to be creative.
f. Keeping a toy
g. Reading books for ideas: Reading books stimulate the mind. It creates an experience that definite events happen in definite situations.
h. Taking some time-off: Thinking all day to be creative is discouraged.

The Creativity Process:

a. Preparation: Setting up the mind for a relative solution is the first step in the creative process. Studying about the definite working sector and learning opportunities in that sector. Creativity favors the well-prepared mind.

b. Investigation: Observing or well-defining a problem or opportunity is the second step in the creative process. A solid understanding is to be developed regarding the problem or opportunity.

c. Transformation: Transferring the generated idea is the third step in the creative process. Forming the generated idea in detail. For instance, prototype development of the generated idea.

d. Incubation: This is a sub-conscious step. It is difficult to say the required amount of time in this step. It is advised to take time in this step. Taking time is necessary to choose the best idea from all ideas. One has to wait for the right idea. Passing this step might be boring. One has to relax and play regularly in this step. Waiting is always worthwhile. Keeping patience brings something good.

e. Illumination: It starts in the incubation period. It is considered as the most awaited phase of the creative process. It can be five minutes even 5 years.

f. Verification: Arrangement of physical demo or structure is required in this step. Improvement can be done in this way. One has to experiment with a pilot project in this step. One has to run simulations and test marketing in this step.

g. Implementation: No time is needed to be patient. One has to be ready and to fire.

Improving Creativity Process
Three techniques are for improving the creativity process.
a. Mind mapping: One has to write down opportunities or problems. Then it is easy to build up relations among them. One has to create relations among problems.

b. Brainstorming: One ha to have a goal to create a large quantity of novel and imaginative ideas.

c. Rapid prototyping: Find out limitations or making improvements is another technique for improving the creativity process. 

Guidelines for brainstorming
a. Creating a group of 5-8 members: The group discusses a problem or an opportunity.
b. Keeping the group small
c. Making the group as diverse as possible
d. Maintaining no level: Company rank is irrelevant.
e. Not working on something unknown or not well-defined
f. Arrangement of the field-trip
g. Using seating pattern: U-shape seating arrangement encourages interactions among members of the group.
h. Throwing logic at the window
i. Encouraging all ideas from the team-embers
j. Forbidding criticism
k. Encouraging "hitch-hiking"
l. Having dared to imagine  the unreasonable ideas

Short Note
TRIZ(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
40 principles with left-brained thinking. This theory helps to solve the problem logically.

It is granted from the government to the inventor of the product, giving the executive right to make, use, or sell the product. It gives the legal monopoly right.

It is a recognizable insignia, phrase, or symbol that denote a specific product or service and legally differentiate it from other product.

It gives the right to intellectual property. Nobody can use the property without the permission of the owner.

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