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Why shifting from offline to online?
What factors are to be considered to launch e-business?
Do you have the ability to go to online business?
Strategies of E-Success
1. Focusing on a niche market: Niche means the root-level. It refers to a small segment in which segment need or demand has not fulfilled yet or has not been given the effort to fulfill need or demand yet. Due to the small size, it is not substantial to focus on that segment for big organizations.
2. Developing a community: It is said that a connection locates at a mouse-click distance in an online platform. The online platform also gives the switching option to competitors easily.
How to develop a community?
Links are available on the websites. By inquiring, one can know the guidelines to join a community.
3. Attracting customers by freebies: Freebies mean giving free on the internet. For instance, giving a first-month subscription fee-free of cost, giving a certain amount of free drive storage facility. Something has to be given free which has value. Providing information free has value.
4. Making creative use of e-mail, but avoiding becoming a "spammer": It is a dominant factor for e-success in America. The E-mail subscription option is given on the website and the owners of the website ask visitors if they will provide offers to the visitors through e-mail. By clicking and writing down on the e-mail subscription option, the visitors permit to send offers through e-mail.
Click to Download E-mail Subscription Box
Avoiding becoming a "spammer" refers to informing customers before that the website will provide offers to the customers through e-mail by taking permission from the customers.
5. Making sure one's website says "credibility" or trustworthy-image in the aspect of e-business
6. Increasing online business at a potential level
7. Promoting one's website online and offline: Packet of the product will hold the website.
8. Developing an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy: Effective search engine optimization will give the superior ranking of the website on a page on the search engines when users will search by keywords on the search engines.
3 Search Engine Strategies
a. Natural (organic) Listings- Search engine optimization will be worked according to the viewing number of the definite website.
A suggested article is about "Natural (organic) Listings" given below:
b. Paid (sponsored) listings: Short advertisements will be added.
c. Paid inclusion: Paid advertisements will be added.
Designing a Killer Website
a. Understanding the targeted customers
b. Giving customers what they want
c. Selecting an intuitive presentation for the targeted customers: Reflection of the website-owner and what the website-owner will do for the targeted customers will be expressed to the targeted customers.
d. Making one's website easy to navigate: Accessing the website will be smooth.
e. Creating a gift idea center: Ideas will be treated as gifts. Ideas will be used as suggestions for improving the product or service. Manual is a gift idea centered product.
f. Building up loyalty by giving online customers a reason to return to the owner's website
What is customer sensitivity?
Customer-organization relation is based on customers.
4 types of customer sensitivity
a. No interaction-stranger
b. Customers purchase and keep a little conversation with the seller of the organization.
c. The seller of the organization invests a reasonable time to know the feedback from customers.
d. Customers act as partners of the organization.
One has to establish hyperlinks with a complimentary product.
One has to expert at e-mail marketing.
One has to expert at tracking ability.
One has to provide special offers to the customers.
One has to create a fast and simple check-out process.
The payment system will be activated after adding products to the cart of the website.
A quick order confirmation message has to be given to customers after completing the payment system.
One has to establish a reasonable shipping and handling charge for one's products.
One has to clear the shipping charge to one's customers before.
One has to confirm the transaction of customers.
Tracking Web Results
It is a measurement technique.
Web Analytics: It is used to know information about sales generation, repurchasing rate of customers, etc.
Only about 40% of e-businesses use web analytics strategically to refashion their websites.
Tools of Web Analysis:
Commerce metrics: Amount of transaction, Transaction of which product t is high, etc are known through commerce metrics.
Visitor segmentation measurements: Age of customers, which price range product is being chosen, how preference is, who are giving positive and negative reviews etc are known through vision segmentation measurements.
Content reports: In which arena high orders are seen, in which arena customers are annoying etc are known through content reports.
Process measurements: Organization related information are known through process measurements.
Measuring Online Performance
Recency: It refers to the amount of staying time of visitors on the website.
CTR: It refers to the number of clicks of the viewers when the website has appeared before that viewers.
CPA: If one gives advertisements at $100 online, the number of sales increases 50. Cost per acquisition is advertisement cost: the increased number of sales = 100: 50 =2.
Conversion ratio: It refers to the rate of purchasing amount of the visitors when the visitors visit the website.
Ensuring Web Privacy
One has to take collected data from the customers as inventory. One has to use the collected data in the aspect of one's online business and will not misuse the collected data of the customers.
Ensuring Web Security
Virus detection software
Intrusion: It refers to no accessing permission from the outside to the central data bank and permitted insider users of the central bank will not misuse it.
Firewall: It is a technology where the combination of hardware and software will not permit access to the outsiders and permitted insider users will not misuse the technology.
a. Knowing what one needs before launching an e-commerce
b. Knowing the basic strategies of e-success
c. Knowing which factors of the website make e-commerce successful
d. Arrangement of the tracking system of visitors and listening to the customers
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para mi a sido una gran ayuda en mi vida el poder trabajar desde casas, tanto a mi vida como a mi familia.